Better Speech & Hearing Month

When: May 20, 2023, 11am-2pm

Where: The Woodlands Community Presbyterian Church (4891 W. Panther Creek Dr.)

Enjoy a fun and educational day, raising awareness for hearing health for all ages. Complimentary hearing and speech screenings will be available as well as activities for kids, vendor booths, and more.

A team of experts – including Cochlear impant surgeons, ENTs, audiologists, and speech therapists – will hold a discussion panel. Seating is limited, please register now if you wish to attend this discussion.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, or participating as a vendor booth, please email [email protected].

This event is free, thanks to the generous sponsors listed below.

Hear for Life Sponsors

Listen with Care Sponsors

Exhibitor Booths

Venue Provided By
