Enjoy a morning of clay shooting and help us raise funds for children who are learning to Hear and Be Heard. Through early intervention, All Ears! Center offers comprehensive care for children who are deaf and hard of hearing in our community.
Next date and time: Coming soon!
Registration includes a Chick-fil-A breakfast, fun takeaway, golf cart, door prize tickets, and on-site cooked BBQ lunch & beverages after the shoot. Shooters will also have the opportunity to participate in Gun Squares and Frenzy during the event. Door prize and Gun Square drawings and all awards will take place during lunch.
Individuals: $300
Team of 4: $1,200
As a sponsor, you help even more children learn to hear and be heard. Download the sponsorship packet for more information, or register now.
Johnny Higdon held the 1st Annual Sporting Clay Tournament benefiting All Ears! Center in 2015. His inspiration is his daughter, Brooke. He is passionate that children with hearing loss have the opportunity to learn how to listen and speak. When Johnny and his wife, Pam, found out that their third child, Brooke had lost her hearing, it was devastating news. What now? Will she talk? Will she go to prom? Will she be independent?
Brooke hears with cochlear implants and has attended mainstream school since kindergarten. She is currently a first-year student at Sam Houston and a member of the college Rodeo team. She trains her horses, has played soccer, volleyball, and softball, and will chat your ear off! Brooke has learned to advocate for herself in a mainstream classroom, sport settings and in her every day life. When you see Brooke at the Clay Shoot, be sure to say “hi.” She’ll hear you and say “hi” right back! Thank you Johnny, Pam and Brooke for your inspiration and support. You have helped countless numbers of All Ears! families.

Tournament Chair