A Message from Lee Rech, Executive Director, LSL Parent
We’ve been busy all summer with camps, LSL intervention, opening our new clinic, adding pediatric audiology services, hosting donor tours, and having fun on the farm. As you prepare your children for going back to school, rest easy knowing we have a wonderful year planned for them.
If you need anything as you transition, I’m All Ears!Lee Rech
Upcoming Dates
Happy Birthday
Beau O. 8/2Teddy J. 8/3
Lily L. 8/5
Hudson M. 8/10
Emma P. 8/17 Leia G. 8/30
August 15: Team Registration opens for Sporting Clays Tournament
September 1: Parent Workshop Save the Date
You won’t want to miss this year’s Clay Shoot! For sponsorship information or to register for the event scan the QR code or visit the website.
Get ready for the dog days of summer.
From the classroom…by Rosie Hirschfeld, M.S., LSL Education Coordinator, Lead Teacher
All Ears! Summer Camp was a huge success! July campers stayed cool celebrating Christmas in July and exploring the wonders of the Rainforest. Offering 4 weeks of camp, All Ears! provided over 700 hours of language rich summer fun! Thank you to all who participated, we can’t wait to see you back next summer. Our staff looks forward to welcoming students to class on September 6 and working with all of our parents at our Annual Parent Workshop on September 1, 2022.
From the clinic….by Allison Haggerty, M.S., CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVT Director of Speech/LSL Intervention Eyes open, Ears on
Parents/Caregivers involvement in therapy is vital, but what you do between visits is even more important! To help show this, let’s do some math.
A typical 2-year old is awake ~ 84 hours a week.
If therapy is occurring 1 hour a week, that leaves another ~ 83 hours your child is awake, at home with YOU. That’s ~4316 awake hours in a year!
As parents/caregivers – YOU hold the power in making those ~4316 hours listening, language, literacy, and thinking opportunities. It is the weekly therapy sessions that teach you how to make Listening and Spoken Language a WAY OF LIFE and learn what audition, language, speech, and literacy skills are appropriate to be intentionally taught.
Philanthropy is about making a difference.
is truly grateful to the philanthropic partners who choose to make that difference for our children and families.
Be an Angel generously funded our audiology booth so our children will have timely access to audiological services from the beginning of and throughout their journey.
Waste Connections’ donations provide critical financial assistance to those in need of our life-changing services and help us spread community awareness about the LSL option.
Where giving thrives, communities thrive.